featured image with the header 'best ai tools for developers in 2023' and ai tool logos of github, cody, labspark, tabnine, chatgpt and codeium

By Alec Degen

Best AI Tools for Developers in 2023

Discover the best AI tools for developers in 2023. Explore a curated list of cutting-edge solutions designed to boost developer productivity. Make informed choices for enhanced coding experiences.

September 25, 202310 min

Recent Article

Artificial hand holding the ChatGPT logo

By Alec Degen

Best ChatGPT Prompts

Curated list of 100 ChatGPT Prompts from our database at Labspark ai for you! This list gets updated regularly, so make sure to check back often.

October 1, 202310 min
featured image with the header 'best ai tools for developers in 2023' and ai tool logos of github, cody, labspark, tabnine, chatgpt and codeium

By Alec Degen

Best AI Tools for Developers in 2023

Discover the best AI tools for developers in 2023. Explore a curated list of cutting-edge solutions designed to boost developer productivity. Make informed choices for enhanced coding experiences.

September 25, 202310 min
Image of school kids writing on a blackboard

By Alec Degen

Middle School's Crazy Anti-Cheating Tactic: Insults Make ChatGPT Surrender!

Berlin, Germany: In a shocking turn of events, a middle school in Germany has devised an ingenious plan to put an end to the scourge of homework cheating with the help of our AI overlord, ChatGPT. The school, which prefers to remain anonymous to avoid any potential backlash, has allegedly incorporated a plethora of insults into its homework assignments. Why, you ask? It's all in the name of academic integrity, or so they claim.

October 1, 202310 min