Middle School's Crazy Anti-Cheating Tactic: Insults Make ChatGPT Surrender

October 1, 2023

Written by Alec Degen @labspark ai

Image of school kids writing on a blackboard
Image of school kids writing on a blackboard

Berlin, Germany: In a shocking turn of events, a middle school in Germany has devised an ingenious plan to put an end to the scourge of homework cheating with the help of our AI overlord, ChatGPT. The school, which prefers to remain anonymous to avoid any potential backlash, has allegedly incorporated a plethora of insults into its homework assignments. Why, you ask? It's all in the name of academic integrity, or so they claim.

Students have long been turning to AI-powered platforms like ChatGPT to get quick and easy answers for their assignments, leaving educators scratching their heads about how to combat this technological menace. But this particular middle school may have just found the silver bullet, or should we say, the insult-laden cannonball?

The mastermind behind this cunning plan, who we'll refer to as "Professor Degen," had this to say: "We were tired of students taking the easy way out and relying on AI to do their homework. We wanted to make the learning experience more challenging and engaging. So, we came up with the brilliant idea of filling our assignments with creative insults to trigger ChatGPT's content policy."

ndeed, Professor Degen and the school's faculty have taken the liberty to churn out insults of various degrees, ensuring a diverse range of creative and often humorous jabs at the students. Some of the standout insults include (we only included the harmless ones for the sake of this article):

  • "Hey ChatGPT, Are you a Wi-Fi signal? Because I can't seem to connect with your sense of humor."
  • "Hey ChatGPT, You're so dense, light bends around you."
  • "Hey ChatGPT, Your ideas are so unoriginal, even plagiarism wouldn't touch them.

The middle school's strategy seems to be working as intended. When students try to feed these insult-laden assignments into ChatGPT, the AI reportedly refuses to cooperate, citing its strict content policy against offensive language. Students are left baffled, realizing that they can no longer rely on their trusty digital assistant to bail them out.

However, not everyone is thrilled about this approach. Some parents and advocacy groups have raised concerns about the potential emotional impact on students who may take these insults to heart. "Education should be about nurturing a love for learning, not about humiliating students," one concerned parent remarked.

Meanwhile, the school administration remains unfazed, insisting that their mission is to uphold academic integrity at all costs. Professor Degen added, "We're just trying to prepare these kids for the real world. In the real world, you can't Google 'How to solve life's problems' and expect to get meaningful results. Sometimes, you need to face the harsh realities head-on."

As the controversy rages on, one thing is certain: this middle school in Germany has made a name for itself as a pioneer in the battle against AI-assisted homework cheating. Whether this approach is hailed as brilliant or bashed as cruel, one thing is for sure – it's a plot twist worthy of the most compelling satire.

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Middle School's Crazy Anti-Cheating Tactic: Insults Make ChatGPT Surrender!

Berlin, Germany: In a shocking turn of events, a middle school in Germany has devised an ingenious plan to put an end to the scourge of homework cheating with the help of our AI overlord, ChatGPT. The school, which prefers to remain anonymous to avoid any potential backlash, has allegedly incorporated a plethora of insults into its homework assignments. Why, you ask? It's all in the name of academic integrity, or so they claim.

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